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Our 2014 Reviews page is done in a “Pinterest” style layout, and one that showcases the covers of the titles we’ve read to date in 2014. Hoarders love pretty book covers! After posting the cover and review for Bittersweet, I glanced down to notice the plethora of blue-tinged covers filling the Reviews page.

Was  I attracted to these titles because of their bluish hues? Is that how I’ve selected the books I’ve read so far in 2014? I don’t think so, I think I lean more toward the “it’s a coincidence” line of thought. But there is quite a few here!

Let’s take a peek shall we at the many hues of blue used on the book covers for books I’ve read so far and have predominantly been published in 2014:

22642472   Bittersweet   51fr5-QiesL__SL300_   cover46709-medium   18114165   18505815   16143347   18490557   17934521   254870   18050094   514XZmEz9-L._SL300_   17834903   13000539

And I also noted that the books I am currently reading, or will be reading in the very near future also used blue in their cover design:

Orfeo US   audio   18404204   19347307   18594412

Literary Hoarders Penny rev